Sabado, Pebrero 25, 2017

Sampaguita Nursery


Sampaguita plants tend to grow well in nursery rather than plant directly the cuttings. Each seedling bag has 3-4 cuttings. Sampaguita is slow growing plant thus necessary care should be done for successful culture. 


            In every cluster, put 4 rows of seedling bags. Distance between clusters is 0.50 cm. This will allow for uniform sunlight distribution, easy weeding and ease of access for the farmer when harvesting the buds.


            Select only the matured stems (mostly whitish). Cut at 6-inch long per cutting.

Soil and rice hull media

            Mix 3 part rice hull to 1 part soil. Manually put the mixture in the seedling bag.             

            Use any strong, straight object (in our case, screw driver), in drilling holes in the soil and rice hull mixture in the seedling bag. Drill hole at 3-inch deep. Place the sampaguita cuttings in the hole.


            During the months of October to February in the province of Albay, rain is enough to water the nursery. However, during summer months, you may need sprinklers. TIP: Place your nursery near creeks. Put water inlet control valve and flood the nursery overnight for at least thrice a week.

Care and maintenance

Hand weeding can be employed to control weeds.


            Damping-off is very common. Practice good drainage system.


            The seedlings need not to be fertilized. If fertilizer will be applied, a very small amount of complete fertilizer (14-14-14) or urea (46-0-0) per seedling bag is enough to prevent roots burning.


            The seedlings are not ready for transplanting after 9 months. 

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